Written by Dale Richardson - Updated: June 23, 2023
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If you're stuck wondering how to connect a garden hose to your sump pump, worry no longer - we've got you covered. We here at Fraffles found that there were quite a few commonly-asked questions floating around concerning using a garden hose in a sump pump, so, we answered them! Let's not waste any time and just get into things.
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This'll be short and sweet, so let's dive right in, shall we?
Let's start with the basics - what the hell is a sump pump, and how does it work? Once we know that, we can get into the details of how (or if) to use them with garden hoses. First up - definitions.
Sump Pumps are designed to move water from one point to another. While that may seem obvious, they're specifically used for two primary tasks:
A sump (AKA a basin ) is a pit, usually carved beneath a basement floor or similar area, that holds the pump. when the water gets too high in the basin, the pump's sensors will detect the escalating water pressure and height, automatically activating to move the water elsewhere. The water generally leaves through a discharge line, called an effluent, which connects your pump to a drainage area.
While sump pumps are generally wired into place, they traditionally use electricity, a battery, or water to power themselves. A backup pump is common in most sump pumps which is almost always powered by water or a battery in the case of a power outage.
Now - onto the actual nitty-gritty.
This is a nice and quick section.
While you can almost always use a garden hose on a sump pump, the quality of your hose and the setup of your pump system are both going to affect how well the setup performs.
Check out our garden hose maintenance article for tips on picking the best hose for your needs.
As we mentioned before, it's entirely possible to hook up a garden hose to a water pump. However, depending on your hose and the power of your pump, it's possible that your hose isn't the best choice. While it'll make for a great short-term/stopgap measure, it's not your long-term solution.
As with all things in your home, it's always best to avoid cutting corners - so if you have to, hook a valve onto your hose and set it up, but don't accept that as success. Find the proper tubing to securely connect your pump. Water damage is no fun and incredibly expensive to fix - so don't risk a cheap garden hose springing a leak.
If you need a short-term solution to a sump pump's missing hose, your garden hose is a great quick answer. Here's what you'll need:
Now - let's get you installing your pump and hose.
Here's how to install a garden hose to a sump pump:
All in all, the process of connecting a garden hose to a sump pump is surprisingly simple. It'll take a bit of elbow grease and a few tools, but it's generally pretty simple to get solved! Just remember that this isn't a permanent solution, but rather designed to give you time to get the permanent parts. And, as always - remember grandpa's advice - measure twice, cut once.
One More Thing Before You Go!
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